FLOPS 2016 is over. We had 73 participants! Thank you.
Symposium Proceendings: Functional and Logic Programming 13th International Symposium, FLOPS 2016, Kochi, Japan, March 4-6, 2016, Proceedings (LNCS 9613)
The following slides and videos are available:
- Slide for Andreas Abel's tutorial on Agda.
- Video for Neng-Fa Zhou's tutorial on Picat: 1, 2, 3.
- Video for Atze Dijkstra's invited talk on Utrecht Haskell Compiler.
Next FLOPS: FLOPS 2018:
- Program Co-Chairs: John Gallagher and Martin Sulzmann
- General Chair: Makoto Tatsuta
- March 2016
The following slides and videos are available:
- Slide for Andreas Abel's tutorial on Agda.
- Video for Neng-Fa Zhou's tutorial on Picat: 1, 2, 3.
- Video for Atze Dijkstra's invited talk on Utrecht Haskell Compiler.
- February 8, 2016 Deadline of early registration is extended to Februray 10th, 2016.
- December 22, 2015 Registration opened. Deadline of early registration is Monday February 8th, 2016.
- December 22, 2015 Call for posters are added. Deadline for submission is Monday January 11, 2016.
- December 6, 2015 FLOPS 2016 will have a Poster Session. Call for posters will be announced soon.
- November 30, 2015 Travel and local information (only for flights to Kochi.)
- November 16, 2015 Of 36 submissions, 14 papers are accepted
- August 29, 2015 Revised submission deadlines (Sep 21 for abstracts, Sep 25 for papers)
- July 15, 2015 Two invited talks are announced
- July 9, 2015 In-cooperation with ACM SIGPLAN has been approved
- June, 2015 FLOPS 2016 will have the best paper award
- March, 2015
New for FLOPS 2016
- Journal publication:
selected papers are to be published as a special issue of the journal ``Science of Computer Programming'' (SCP) - Tutorial session on a day adjacent to the main conference
- Near co-location with the PPL workshop (Japanese link): FLOPS 2016 will take place right before PPL 2016 in a nearby location
- Journal publication:
Writing down detailed computational steps is not the only way of programming. The alternative, being used increasingly in practice, is to start by writing down the desired properties of the result. The computational steps are then (semi-)automatically derived from these higher-level specifications. Examples of this declarative style include functional and logic programming, program transformation and re-writing, and extracting programs from proofs of their correctness.
FLOPS aims to bring together practitioners, researchers and implementors of the declarative programming, to discuss mutually interesting results and common problems: theoretical advances, their implementations in language systems and tools, and applications of these systems in practice. The scope includes all aspects of the design, semantics, theory, applications, implementations, and teaching of declarative programming. FLOPS specifically aims to promote cross-fertilization between theory and practice and among different styles of declarative programming.
Previous FLOPS meetings were held at Fuji Susono (1995), Shonan Village (1996), Kyoto (1998), Tsukuba (1999), Tokyo (2001), Aizu (2002), Nara (2004), Fuji Susono (2006), Ise (2008), Sendai (2010), Kobe (2012), and Kanazawa (2014).
Important dates
Monday, September 21, 2015 (any time zone)Abstract submission deadlineFriday, September 25, 2015 (any time zone)Submission deadline (FIRM)Monday, November 16, 2015Author notificationMonday, December 14, 2015Camera-ready copy due- Wednesday, February 10, 2016 Early registration deadline (Extended from Feb. 8)
- Friday, March 4 - Sunday, March 6, 2016 Conference
FLOPS solicits original papers in all areas of the declarative programming:
- functional, logic, functional-logic programming, re-writing systems, formal methods and model checking, program transformations and program refinements, developing programs with the help of theorem provers or SAT/SMT solvers;
- foundations, language design, implementation issues (compilation techniques, memory management, run-time systems), applications and case studies.
FLOPS promotes cross-fertilization among different styles of declarative programming. Therefore, submissions must be written to be understandable by the wide audience of declarative programmers and researchers. Submission of system descriptions and declarative pearls are especially encouraged.
Submissions should fall into one of the following categories:
- Regular research papers: they should describe new results and will be judged on originality, correctness, and significance.
- System descriptions: they should contain a link to a working system and will be judged on originality, usefulness, and design.
- Declarative pearls: new and excellent declarative programs or theories with illustrative applications.
Submissions must be unpublished and not submitted for publication elsewhere. Work that already appeared in unpublished or informally published workshops proceedings may be submitted. See also ACM SIGPLAN Republication Policy.
The proceedings will be published by Springer International Publishing in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series, as a printed volume as well as online in the digital library SpringerLink. The proceedings of the previous meetings (FLOPS 1999, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012 and 2014) were published as LNCS 1722, 2024, 2441, 2998, 3945, 4989, 6009, 7294, and 8475.
Invited Talks
- Kazunori UEDA (Waseda University)
The exciting time and hard-won lessons of the Fifth Generation Computer Project - Atze Dijkstra (Utrecht University)
UHC: Coping with Compiler Complexity
FLOPS 2016 will have 3 tutorial sessions during the conference. Details will be announced soon.
To participate in FLOPS 2016 conference (including tutorials), please make a registration at
- registration site [v3.apollon.nta.co.jp]
- If you have any request (special requests for foods, etc.), please send an email to flops2016 at logic.cs.tsukuba.ac dot jp after the registration.
- Deadline of the early registration will close on
Monday, February 8th, 2016Wednesday, February 10th, 2016. After that onsite fee will be applied. - The conference will begin at the morning of March 4th and ends at the afternoon of March 6th. You can book a room for the stays at most IN: March 2nd (2 days before the conference) / OUT: March 7th (the last day of the conference).
Call for Posters and Demonstrations
If you wish to present a poster at FLOPS, please send the plain text
abstract by e-mail to flops2016 at easychair.org
by January 11, 2016.
The abstract should include the title, the names of the authors and
their affiliation, along with enough details to judge its scope and
relevance. We will announce the accepted submissions on January 25,
2016. The format of the poster will be announced at that time.
Important Dates:
- Submission due: January 11, 2016 (Monday), any time zone
- Notification: January 25, 2016 (Monday)
Mar 4
09:45 Opening, best-paper award
10:00 Invited talk (1h10) [Chair: Oleg Kiselyov]
- Kazunori Ueda: The exciting time and hard-won lessons of the Fifth Generation Computer Project
11:10 Break (0h30)
11:40 Sess 1: From proofs to programs (2x0h30) [Chair: Eijiro Sumii]
- Arthur Blot, Pierre-Evariste Dagand and Julia Lawall: From Sets to Bits in Coq
- Wouter Swierstra and Joao Alpuim: From proposition to program: embedding the refinement calculus in Coq
12:40 Lunch (1h50) (Not served, by oneself)
14:30 Sess 2: Systems (2x0h30) [Chair: Andy King]
- Markus Triska: The Boolean Constraint Solver of SWI-Prolog: System Description
- Praveen Narayanan, Jacques Carette, Wren Romano, Chung-Chieh Shan and Robert Zinkov: Probabilistic inference by program transformation in Hakaru: System description
15:30 Break (0h30)
16:00 Sess 3: Pearls (2x0h30) [Chair: Keisuke Nakano]
- Ian Mackie and Shinya Sato: An interaction net encoding of Godel's System T
- Taus Brock-Nannestad: Space-efficient Planar Acyclicity Constraints
17:00 Break and Posters
- Kanae Tsushima: Towards obtaining diffs of OCaml programs
- Tomoharu Ugawa, Seiji Umatani, Shinya Nakamura: A Source Code Checker Using Declarative Patterns to Represent Rule Violations
- Zirun Zhu, Yongzhe Zhang, Hsiang-Shang Ko, Pedro Martins, JoÃo Saraiva, Zhenjiang Hu: BiYacc: Roll Your Parser and Reflective Printer into One
- Kento Emoto, Kiminori Matsuzaki, Zhenjiang Hu, Akimasa Morihata, Hideya Iwasaki: A Functional DSL for Large Scale Graph Processing
- Ed Robbins, Andy King, Tom Schrijvers: From MINX to MINC, Semantics-Driven Decompilation of Recursive Datatypes
- Kazunori Ueda: Fifth-Generation Software still Works [Demo]
Mar 5
09:30 Invited talk (1h10 min) [Chair: Oleg Kiselyov]
- Atze Dijkstra: UHC: Coping with Compiler Complexity
10:40 Break (0h30)
11:10 Sess 4: Logic Programming for type systems (2x0h30) [Chair: Andy King]
- Ki Yung Ahn and Andrea Vezzosi: Executable Relational Specifications of Polymorphic Type Systems using Prolog
- Peng Fu, Ekaterina Komendantskaya, Tom Schrijvers and Andrew Pond: Proof Relevant Corecursive Resolution
12:10 Lunch (1h50) (Not served, by oneself)
14:00 Sess 5: Reasoning about performance (2x0h30) [Chair: Akimasa Morihata]
- Jay McCarthy, Burke Fetscher, Max New, Daniel Feltey, and Robert Bruce Findler: A Coq Library For Internal Verification of Running-Times
- Remy Haemmerle, Pedro Lopez-Garcia, Umer Liqat, Maximiliano Klemen, John Gallagher and Manuel V. Hermenegildo: A Transformational Approach to Parametric Accumulated-cost Static Profiling
15:00 Break (0h30)
15:30 Tutorial 1 (1h30)
- Neng-Fa Zhou, on programming in Picat
17:00 End
18:30 Banquet
Mar 6
09:30 Sess 6: Generic specifications (2x0h30) [Chair: Jacques Garrigue]
- Francisco Javier Lopez-Fraguas, Manuel Montenegro and Juan Rodriguez-Hortala: Polymorphic Types in Erlang Function Specifications
- Jeremy Yallop, David Sheets and Anil Madhavapeddy: Declarative foreign function binding through generic programming
10:30 Break (0h30)
11:00 Sess 7: Declarative programming with algebra (2x0h30) [Chair: Yukiyoshi Kameyama]
- Akimasa Morihata: Incremental Computing with Abstract Data Structures
- Andre Van Delft and Anatoliy Kmetyuk: Declarative Programming with Algebra
12:00 Excursion and Lunch, 2h00
14:00 Tutorial 2 (1h30)
- Atze Dijkstra, on Attribute Grammars
15:30 Break (0h30)
16:00 Tutorial 3 (1h30)
- Andreas Abel, on Agda
17:30 End
Accepted Papers
Submissions must be written in English and can be up to 15 pages long including references, though pearls are typically shorter. The formatting has to conform to Springer's guidelines.
Regular research papers should be supported by proofs and/or experimental results. In case of lack of space, this supporting information should be made accessible otherwise (e.g., a link to a Web page, or an appendix).
Papers should be submitted electronically at:
< https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=flops2016 >
before the submission deadline.
For any question concerning the scope of the Symposium or the submission process, please contact the program chairs.
FLOPS-cfp.txt [6K]
Call For Presentations, in plain text
Andy King | University of Kent, UK (PC Co-Chair) |
Oleg Kiselyov | Tohoku University, Japan (PC Co-Chair) |
Yukiyoshi Kameyama | University of Tsukuba, Japan (General Chair) |
Kiminori Matsuzaki | Kochi University of Technology, Japan (Local Chair) |
Program Committee
Andreas Abel | Gothenburg University, Sweden |
Lindsay Errington | USA |
Makoto Hamana | Gunma University, Japan |
Michael Hanus | CAU Kiel, Germany |
Jacob Howe | City University London, UK |
Makoto Kanazawa | National Institute of Informatics, Japan |
Andy King | University of Kent, UK (PC Co-Chair) |
Oleg Kiselyov | Tohoku University, Japan (PC Co-Chair) |
Hsiang-Shang Ko | National Institute of Informatics, Japan |
Julia Lawall | Inria-Whisper, France |
Andres Löh | Well-Typed LLP, UK |
Anil Madhavapeddy | Cambridge University, UK |
Jeff Polakow | USA |
Marc Pouzet | École normale supérieure, France |
Vítor Santos Costa | Universidade do Porto, Portugal |
Tom Schrijvers | KU Leuven, Belgium |
Zoltan Somogyi | Australia |
Alwen Tiu | Nanyang Technological University, Singapore |
Sam Tobin-Hochstadt | Indiana University, USA |
Hongwei Xi | Boston University, USA |
Neng-Fa Zhou | CUNY Brooklyn College and Graduate Center, USA |
Journal Publication
The authors of 4-7 best papers will be invited to submit the extended version of their FLOPS paper to a special issue of the journal Science of Computer Programming (SCP).They will be reviewed under SCP standards.
Venue and Local Arrangements
Kochi University of Technology (Eikokuji campus)You can find travel information and local arrangement information here.
Previous Symposia
Japan Society for Software Science and Technology (JSSST), Special Interest Group on Programming and Programming Languages (SIG-PPL)
In Cooperation With
Asian Association for Foundation of Software (AAFS)
Association for Logic Programming (ALP)