Xiangshi Ren
School of Information
Center for Human-Computer Interaction
Kochi University of Technology
Miyanokuchi 185, Tosayamada-Cho Kami-shi, Kochi, Japan 782-8502
Tel/Fax: +81-887-57-2209 (Direct)
Fax: +81-887-57-2220 (Department Office)
Office: A466
Short Biography
Xiangshi REN (full resume) is Professor in the School of Information, Director of the Center for Human-Computer Interaction at Kochi University of Technology. He is founding president of the International Chinese Association of Computer Human Interaction (ICACHI). He was a visiting faculty researcher at IBM Research (Almaden), and visiting professor at the University of Toronto. He is a Senior Member of the ACM, a Senior Member of the IEEE, a member of the IPSJ, the IEICE, and the Human Interface Society.
Prof. Ren has been working on fundamental studies in the field of human-computer Interaction (HCI) for over twenty years. His research interests include all aspects of human-computer interaction, particularly the creation of human performance models, pen-based interaction, multi-touch interaction, eye-based interaction, haptic interaction, user interface design for immersive virtual environments, Chinese and Japanese character input and 2D/3D gesture input. He and his colleagues have established a unique research framework based on information technology, incorporating methodologies such as human performance modeling, developing new algorithms, conducting user studies, and the systematically testing and application of HCI theory. He has received 30 grants (25 as principal investigator) from various institutions and 19 awards for various achievements. He has credits in more than 260 published research papers. Some of which were presented in top-tier international journals and international conferences. About 100 papers are indexed by SCI/EI/ISTP. Nine Ph.D. students have obtained their Ph.D. degrees under Prof. Ren’s direction. Prof. Ren has presented talks at various institutions and international conferences. He often serves as a reviewer, associate editor, guest editor, program chair or program committee member (e.g. APCHI 2012, CHI 2013).
Prof. Ren received a B.E. degree in Electrical and Communication Engineering, and M.E. and Ph.D. degrees in Information and Communication Engineering from Tokyo Denki University in Japan in 1991, 1993, and 1996, respectively.
The Ren Lab at Kochi University of Technology is looking for PhD students.The project is eligible for Kochi University of Technology PhD Special Scholarship Program (SSP). The scholarship covers tuition fees and a stipend of 1,200,000 JP Yen per annum for three years. The deadline is March 18, 2013 for October 2013 Enrollment or April 2014 Enrollment. More >>
The Center for Human Computer Interaction at Kochi University of Technology is offering one PostDoc position (as full-time Assistant Professor) in User Interface Design, Natural User Interface (NUI), Mobile User Interface, Game and User Engagement, and other areas in relation to HCI to carry out human computer interaction research. The deadline is January 10, 2013. More >>