Hunter's English weblog
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You'll find a whole world out there.
The world is waiting for you,
so be sure to get your English up.
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Sci-tech Daily
Netsurfer Science for new URLs
Online listening with Randall
Listen/watch BBC World online
Play English at "Many Things"
Interesting things for English students
Build a robot online: Sodaplay
DEEP: study Engineering English
Technical writing: David Greene
Technical writing: Hunter
Get free email: Technical Word-of-the-day
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Encyclopedia Britannica
Encarta encyclopedia
Ask Jeeves
Knowledge Hound
United Nations Resource Source
Environmental news
History of inventions
How stuff works
How things work
American Heritage Dictionary

Japan Times
The Daily Yomiuri
World newspapers
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Online Grammar
How words are used: Cobuild

JUMBLE word puzzles

Goo Japanese->English Dictionary
Goo English->Japanese Dictionary

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