Signalling structure in hypertext:
support for the non-native reader

I Text and the non-native reader
Models of reading
The non-native reader
Structures of text
Structures of knowledge
II Hypertext NN reader support
Strategies for NN reader support
Training in text patterns/cues
Training in knowledge structures
Signalling structure in documents
Examples of signal design
A writing structure curriculum
App. 1 An unfolding signal curriculum

Lawrie Hunter

Kochi University of Technology

1.4 Structures of knowledge

B. In knowledge-driven processing (top-down):

1. Readers use their knowledge of structure in processing text. When an expected structure is violated, comprehension is impaired.
2.Knowledge of structural forms of text develops with experiences with different genre, and is correlated with age/time in school.
3. Making readers more aware of genre structure improves learning.