Signalling structure in hypertext:
support for the non-native reader

I Text and the non-native reader
Models of reading
The non-native reader
Structures of text
Structures of knowledge
II Hypertext NN reader support
Strategies for NN reader support
Training in text patterns/cues
Training in knowledge structures
Signalling structure in documents
Examples of signal design
A writing structure curriculum
App. 1 An unfolding signal curriculum

Lawrie Hunter

Kochi University of Technology

 2.4 Signalling structures in documents

Structure signalling in text documents leans heavily on the fact that text is linear in structure. For example, a cause-effect relation between two sentences,two paragraphs or two adjacent sections is easily signalled in text. In hypertext there is no easy way to signal the same relationship between two "pages". This is often seen in web sites which are cut and paste versions or an original linear text.

This weakness in much of hypertext is temporary, reflecting the embryonic nature of design for the medium. Moreover, with web page frames and the ease of incorporation of navigation aids and visual and textual links into web documents, hypertext can be designed so that the reader is supported to the point where she/he is always informed of a page's position in the overall structure of the text, and of the page's information relationship to other pages in the document.

Structure signalling strategy

For any local piece of text (the text on one web page), there are four kinds of structure signals which afford structure related support to the reader:

1. Signalling the text's position in the overall document structure

2. Signalling the text's position in the local knowledge structure

3. Signalling the text's internal text structure

4. Signalling the text's internal knowledge structure

Not all of these signallings are appropriate or necessary all of the time; rather each type of signalling should be used when there is some clarifying benefit.